Take the number 35 service to get from Chippenham to Castle Combe by bus. This route makes a round trip from Chippenham – Castle Combe – Chippenham.

Here are 10 things to do on your next trip to Castle Combe!

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What time does this bus depart Chippenham?

The number 35 bus service departs Chippenham 4 times a day Monday – Friday. This service does not run on a Saturday and Sunday.

Departure times from Chippenham are:

  • 10:10AM
  • 12:10PM
  • 14:20PM
  • 16:35PM

How long does the journey take?

The journey from Chippenham to Castle combe by bus takes 26 – 29-minutes depending on which time of day you travel.

Where to get the bus from in Chippenham

Collect the bus from Chippenham bus station – Bay 6. If you are arriving in Chippenham by train, it is 0.5 miles and a 10-minute walk from Chippenham train station to the bus station.

If you are arriving in Chippenham by coach, then your coach will arrive at this bus station.

Where does the bus drop off in Castle Combe?

This service will drop you off in the centre of the picturesque Cotswolds village of Castle Combe. From here, you can easily explore this entire village by foot.

After you’ve walked across the bridge to capture that iconic shot looking up in to the village, head to The Old Stables café for some Victoria sponge and tea.

Getting from Castle Combe to Chippenham using the number 35 bus?

This bus route makes a round trip. You can therefore also take the 35 bus to get from Castle Combe to Chippenham.

Not all buses making this journey pick up passengers from Castle Combe. You will need to catch the bus at either 10:36AM, 12:39PM, or 17:01PM from the centre of Castle Combe.

This journey will take between 33 – 40-minutes depending on which time you catch the bus.

Need some inspiration – Here are 50 things to do in the Cotswolds!

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Sam Fisher

A veteran, fish and chip fan, and passport stamp collector. Passionate about putting pins in maps - 62 countries and counting!